The contraceptive implants (Implanon insertion) are one of the long-term hormonal birth control options for women. It uses the contraceptive rod (matchstick size) under the upper arm skin.
The contraceptive implants (Implanon insertion) are one of the long-term hormonal birth control options for women. It uses the contraceptive rod (matchstick size) under the upper arm skin.
Implanon is one of the hormonal methods women use to avoid pregnancy. It is a soft 4cm contraceptive bar that releases progesterone (sex hormone) into the body. It is the same hormone that your ovary produces during the menstrual cycle.
In our women’s health clinic in Logan, our gynaecology trained GP inserts implanon in a regular basis. The bar is placed under the skin of the upper arm where it slowly releases progesterone hormone to prevent pregnancy. Plus, the hormone blocks the release of eggs from the ovary.
According to the CDC (the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), Implanon insertion is an effective and reliable birth control method. The method is considered extremely effective with extremely low failure rate.
Millions of women around the world rely on the contraceptive bar as a safe method to prevent pregnancy. Contraceptive rod not only releases the sex hormones but also thickens the cervical mucus. This condition prevents sperms (male sex hormones) from entering the uterus.
Implanon insertion can offer you effective results as soon as you are sexually active but want to prevent unintended pregnancies. However, it is not appropriate for all women. Although you can consult any medical professional to take guidance, a gynecology trained GP is the best person to guide you on whether or not Implanon is the right option for you.
She may discourage the use of contraceptive rod if you have;
According to The Royal Australian New Zealand College of Obstetricians, some common side effects of Implanon insertion include;
Following are the benefits that make Implanon an effective long-term method;
The possible side effects include;
These side effects are temporary.
No, Implanon does not affect pregnancy but if they fall pregnant while on implanon they can either remove the contraceptive rod or eliminate the pregnancy.
If you are looking for impalnon insertion clinic in Logan our clinic is one of the best in the area.
Wellcare medical centre is one of the most popular Implanon insertion clinic in Brisbane south. Our competent and experienced team of Gynecology trained female GP and Registered Nurse has expertise in woman health. We ensure that our patients receive the best treatment options.
If you are in Northern suburbs of Gold Coast and looking for Impalnon clinic in Gold Coast we are only 20 min away.
You can reach us at our women’s health clinic in Logan. We will help you with any queries related to your health and wellbeing. We are conveniently located on the main road at 6/2 Juers street , Kingston 4114
Please contact us at 07 31334483 for consultation.
CONSULT + INSERTION | $160 | 107.25 | $52.75 |
CONSULT+REMOVAL | $132.85 | $99.85 | $40 |
CONSULT+REMOVAL+INSERTION | $221 | $168 | $60 |