Neck jowls – otherwise known as the dreaded “turkey neck” – can be a major source of embarrassment and confidence issues. Unfortunately, neck jowls are often associated with the aging process, as they typically occur when facial fat deposits begin to migrate downwards, causing loose skin to droop along the neck and jawline. As a result, moisturizers and serums aren’t effective at treating neck jowls, since they can’t directly target the biggest causes of sagging facial skin.
Fortunately, there are a number of innovative treatments that can specifically target and treat neck jowls – and you can find them all at Wellcare Medical Centre in Kingston.
Wellcare’s Neck Jowl Treatment Plan
Wellcare Medical Centre is the premier destination for clients wishing to look younger, more revitalized, and refreshed. One of the core treatments offered at Wellcare Medical Centre is to tighten and tone the appearance of sagging skin around the jawline, which can exacerbate the appearance of turkey neck.
Here’s what the neck jowl treatment plan at Wellcare looks like:
In some cases, all three therapies may be combined for cases of moderate to severe turkey neck.
Contact Wellcare Medical Centre Today
Ready to get rid of your neck jowls once and for all? Contact Wellcare Medical Centre in Kingston, serving Brisbane and the Australian Gold Coast, today to schedule your consultation.